Thursday, June 30, 2011

First Half!

Oh my goodness! Can you believe I´ve been here in Peru for over a month!? This is crazy! I feel like yesterday I was on my way here. Ok, so first I want to apologize for not updating more often. We´ve been really busy and the internet here is so slow. Also, there is so much to tell, I don´t know where to begin. Ok, so since I lasttalked to you guys I´ve milked a cow, climbed a mountain and eaten a cactus...well the fruit of a cactus. It tastes like a kiwi (Dad, you would like it!). So the week before debriefing in Nazca, the CMT (creative ministry team) came to out village. They were a huge blessing to us and I know that God appointed a specific time for them to be there. They brought music and dramas and games ( and I got to stunt with them!). We had our highest attendance in our Bible studies and Arturo (the team leader) was able to relate with the Peruvians so much better than we´d been able to thus far. The second night they were there, they did a kids study in the plaza where they sang lots of songs and did a few really good skits. The kids were so involve and excited to see all of this, but probably my favorite part was that the parents came out to watch as well. Arturo talked with them afterwards. I have no idea if they learned anything, but I know God was working that night. A girl named Kelli is on that team and God used here to answer my prayers. I had had a couple prroblems with one of my teammates and I needed some guidance on what to do about it. On a hike up the mountains, Kelli and I talked and we were able to easily open up to each othere, and she was able to comfort me and give me guidance. Praise God for her! The last day they were in the village, they did their ¨shabang¨for the primary and secondary schools. After this, one of the professors invited us in to do a follow up on one of the skits. God gave us a great opportunity to plant seeds ther. The next day, we all headed off for Nazca. On the way there, we climbed a tower and saw two on the Nazca lines! They were pretty cool. Also, on the way back we got to go sandboarding! So much fun! Ok, so we went to Nazca for 3 days for mid-summer debriefing. This was rough, but such a blessing! We realized our teamhad a lack of communication and a few personality conflicts and our leaders, Ginny and Brytne, were able to help us realize these issues and sort them out so that we can better serve our Lord. Please pray that no new issues rise. So after this, my team and I were super excited to go back to our village and better communicate the gospel to tehm. Let me just tell you that God had worked a lot in Llauta while we were in Nazca. We´ve been back for three days and SO much has happened. So the first thing that happened started during the first half. I asked many of you to pray for relationshops with the youth. Well when we climbed the mountain I mentioned, we thought we were going to a sports competition of the children So we got up @ 5 and went and climbed a mountain for 2 and a half hours.(One of the hardest things I´ve done in my life...actually may be the hardest.) When we got to the top, we didn´t see any kids. So we asked the professor and he sid the kids competition was on a mountain on the other side of Llauta, the competition we were at was for the youth! While we were a little frustrated at the fact that we climbed 2 hours to go to a competition that was about 4 hours of climbing away, God was working on our relationships with the youth. We watched the competition and interacted with the youth and you could see the excitement in their faces that we would go all that way just to watch their competition. we were also invited to a quinceñera (a 15 year old bday party)(the big bday party for hispanic girls). We also were able to make friends there. But when the CMT came and performed for their school, they found out more of why we were there and some of them were very interested. The day we got back from Nazca, we had a get together with some of the youth. We played a few games and just got to know them. Buttowards the end we told them why we were there and they asked questions. At that poit we were able to share the gospel with them. One girl named Xiomara was specifically interested and you could see the light in her eyes. Pray foor her continued interest and that God would give us th words to speak to her heart. The next day Tatiana and I went to learn to make a hat. On our way back to lunch, we ran into the sports coacha dn all of a sudden he was interested in us and the Bible and he asked questions! He said he would like to talk again some time. Yesterday Phil was out with a guy named Jon and a girl named Synthia. They went on a hike and after Phil got to talk to Jon. Jon is the first person we´ve found that wont have anything to do with worshipping idols. He likes to read his Bible and hear preachings of the Bible, but he´s not yet a follower of Christ. But he´s so interested. Pray that one of us would get another opportunity to share Gods love to him in some way. Also, while all this was going on with Phil, Tatiana and I were eating lunch and a guy named Hilario, whom we have made friends with, began asking us about our faith and telling us about his life and what he knew about the Bible. He referred to himself as a hearer but he wasn´t yet a beleiver. He asked Tatiana to sit down with him and explain the Bible better to him. She talked to him today and he had so much to say taht she didnt get to say much, but she listened. He told her that he felt God was keeping him alive (he works in a dangerous job) for a reason and that he felt like his time to beleive would be soon. He aslo said that he felt like God put us in his life for a reason and that he felt like we are different than the Americans he´s met before. He said he looked at us and said we are good. And he sees that we don´t see ourselves as better than them. so pray for him. Also one more thing we need you to be in prayer for is a man of peace. This is a man whose been descipled and believes strongly and follows Christ. We need this man because we need someone to continue the work that God has started through us in this village. So far we haven´t met any believers and that has been hard for us, but we know that God is working and taht He will provide for us. He´s opening doors everywhere for us! I praise Him for that! Thank you for all your support and prayers and encouragement! It´s been much needed! I´m praying for you guys too, I hope you are all having a great summer! (also, i´m sorry for all the typos. i´m trying to be patient with this computer haha)


  1. Amy, your story about climbing the wrong mountain made me think of how we all exert way too much energy climbing the wrong mountains in our lives. We climb the mountain of personal gain, glory, and worldly success in many areas of our lives. But even though you climbed the "wrong" mountain in Llauta the other day, you are climbing the right mountain in your life! "For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but forfiets his soul?" we are so thankful for you and your team and pray for your continued success and safety! Love you - Dad.

  2. oh my goodness, it is SO GOOD to hear about all the wonderful things God is doing through, around and for u guys!!! thanks for the updates and we'll definitely keep u guys in our prayers!! love ya, girl and miss u terribly.

  3. Hey babe I just reread your blog and I prayed for all your people again We are so proud of you and how God is working through all of you to reach these people. I saw on your fb page that you are going to the jungle, wish o coils come. I've always wanted to go to a jungle. We will be praying for a great experience, safety, and Gods guidance. Love you! Mom
