Saturday, May 21, 2011

Getting Ready

Bienvenidos! Es mi primera vez hacer un blog. Espero que todos puedan encontrarlo bien. This is the site where I will try to keep everyone updated. I can't promise everyday, even every week, seeing as I don't really know my schedule yet or my availability to internet access. 
Today is Saturday and I leave on Monday. This day has come so fast! I really appreciate everyone's support through all this. You all have encouraged me and lifted me up as I prepare and I thank God everyday for all of you. 
There is still a lot I have to do to prepare. I have everything I need, I just need to put it together in one place (meaning: I still haven't packed yet!). Hopefully I will be packed by tonight, but I am just more worried about getting my paperwork together and not getting lost in the airports on Monday. Here's how you can pray for me on Monday. Pray that God will calm my nerves. I tend to make silly mistakes when I'm nervous. When I land in Lima, there's a lot of things I have to pay attention to. Many of you may have done this in the past, but this is my first time. It's going to be crowded and there will be a lot of people trying to sell things to me (kind of like a kiosk in the mall). Please pray that God gives me the confidence when I'm in the airport. Ask Him to guide me where I need to go. I pray that nothing sets me off track in the airport, that I don't have to get searched or anything like that, but I know that any circumstance that comes in front of me is not mine to fix, but God's. Please pray that I remember that. 
Also, I would like to know if anything is going on in your lives while I am in Peru. Feel free to send me comments (they don't have to be about anything I said in the blog if you don't want). Also if you need me to pray for you in anyway, I would love to do that! Please let me know how I can pray for you. 
I love you all! I look forward to hearing from you all! And I am excited to let you all know what God is doing in Peru through my team and I. You will all be very missed! 

1 comment:

  1. You're going to have a blast! I'm actually pretty jealous! Have a safe and fun trip! I hope God does some incredible work while you're there! I'll be praying for you!
